Hello there,

It seams that there is a bug with the Default Quota, as I reported in the subject of the email I am using oVirt Hosted Engine 4.1

When I tried to edit the Default Quota the system replies the following with Data Center in Audit Mode:

Operation Canceled: Error while executing action: Cannot edit Quota. Quota is not valid.

If I try to remove the Default Quota of the system, it replied:

Operation Canceled: Error while executing action: Cannot remove Quota. Default quota cannot be changed.

In the other hand if I do the same with the Data Center in Disabled Mode for Quota it says:

Trying to edit Default Quota I got:

Operation canceled: Error while executing action: Cannot edit Quota. Quota is not valid.

Trying to remove Quota I got:

Operation canceled: Error while executing action: Cannot remove Quota. Default quota cannot be changed.

Of course I can create other Quotas, edit them and remove them. The problem is only with the Default Quota.

Any help would be appreciated, either in unblocking the system to edit/remove Default quota...

Thanks for all in advance,