I see because I am on debug level, you need to enable it in order to see 


On Thu, 17 May 2018, 13:10 , <nicolas@devels.es> wrote:

Thanks. I've checked vdsm logs on all my hosts but the only entry I can
find grepping by Volume.getInfo is like this:

   2018-05-17 10:14:54,892+0100 INFO  (jsonrpc/0) [jsonrpc.JsonRpcServer]
RPC call Volume.getInfo succeeded in 0.30 seconds (__init__:539)

I cannot find a line like yours... any other way on how to obtain those
parameters. This is an iSCSI based storage FWIW (both source and
destination of the movement).


El 2018-05-17 10:01, Benny Zlotnik escribió:
> In the vdsm log you will find the volumeInfo log which looks like
> this:
> 2018-05-17 11:55:03,257+0300 DEBUG (jsonrpc/6) [jsonrpc.JsonRpcServer]
> Return 'Volume.getInfo' in bridge with {'status': 'OK', 'domain':
> '5c4d2216-
> 2eb3-4e24-b254-d5f83fde4dbe', 'voltype': 'INTERNAL', 'description':
> '{"DiskAlias":"vm_Disk1","DiskDescription":""}', 'parent':
> '00000000-0000-0000-
> 0000-000000000000', 'format': 'RAW', 'generation': 3, 'image':
> 'b8eb8c82-fddd-4fbc-b80d-6ee04c1255bc', 'ctime': '1526543244',
> 'disktype': 'DATA', '
> legality': 'LEGAL', 'mtime': '0', 'apparentsize': '1073741824',
> 'children': [], 'pool': '', 'capacity': '1073741824', 'uuid':
> u'7190913d-320c-4fc9-
> a5b3-c55b26aa30f4', 'truesize': '0', 'type': 'SPARSE', 'lease':
> {'path':
> u'/rhev/data-center/mnt/
> b3-4e24-b254-d5f83fde4dbe/images/b8eb8c82-fddd-4fbc-b80d-6ee04c1255bc/7190913d-320c-4fc9-a5b3-c55b26aa30f4.lease',
> 'owners': [1], 'version': 8L, 'o
> ffset': 0}} (__init__:355)
> The lease path in my case is: 
> /rhev/data-center/mnt/
> Then you can look in /var/log/sanlock.log
> 2018-05-17 11:35:18 243132 [14847]: s2:r9 resource
> 5c4d2216-2eb3-4e24-b254-d5f83fde4dbe:7190913d-320c-4fc9-a5b3-c55b26aa30f4:/rhev/data-center/mnt/
> for 2,9,5049
> Then you can use this command to unlock, the pid in this case is 5049
> sanlock client release -r RESOURCE -p pid
> On Thu, May 17, 2018 at 11:52 AM, Benny Zlotnik <bzlotnik@redhat.com>
> wrote:
>> I believe you've hit this
>> bug: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1565040 [1]
>> You can try to release the lease manually using the sanlock client
>> command (there's an example in the comments on the bug), 
>> once the lease is free the job will fail and the disk can be unlock
>> On Thu, May 17, 2018 at 11:05 AM, <nicolas@devels.es> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> We're running oVirt 4.1.9 (I know it's not the recommended
>>> version, but we can't upgrade yet) and recently we had an issue
>>> with a Storage Domain while a VM was moving a disk. The Storage
>>> Domain went down for a few minutes, then it got back.
>>> However, the disk's state has stuck in a 'Migrating: 10%' state
>>> (see ss-2.png).
>>> I run the 'unlock_entity.sh' script to try to unlock the disk,
>>> with these parameters:
>>>  # PGPASSWORD=...
>>> /usr/share/ovirt-engine/setup/dbutils/unlock_entity.sh -t disk -u
>>> engine -v b4013aba-a936-4a54-bb14-670d3a8b7c38
>>> The disk's state changed to 'OK', but the actual state still
>>> states it's migrating (see ss-1.png).
>>> Calling the script with -t all doesn't make a difference either.
>>> Currently, the disk is unmanageable: cannot be deactivated, moved
>>> or copied, as it says there's a copying operation running already.
>>> Could someone provide a way to unlock this disk? I don't mind
>>> modifying a value directly into the database, I just need the
>>> copying process cancelled.
>>> Thanks.
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> Links:
> ------
> [1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1565040