On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 7:39 PM, Allon Mureinik <amureini@redhat.com> wrote:

From: "Hans-Joachim" <rni@chef.net>
To: users@ovirt.org
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2013 5:53:18 PM
Subject: [Users] oVirt 3.3 Can't create/import EXPORT DOMAIN


I'm not able to add a EXPORT Domain to the system. The web does not show any EXPORT domains, but engine.log tells me about


and indeed, there is an entry in storage_server_connections.

Is it save to delete this entry?
We're working on a way to reuse these in the new Connection Management feature



I ran into this issue again with the oVirt 3.3 nightly install (on beta it didn't seem to work) but what I did was go to https://ovirtengine/api/storagedomains find the existing connection it should be something like https://ovirtengine/api/storagedomains/fdsfsdfsdfsdf-e5fe-4087-a091-sdgsgsdg

I used the chrome rest client plugin to send a HTTP DELETE request to that URL and it was removed successfully. This was also useful when some strange reason VM disks aren't being deleted and left in an illegal state (nightly only).