Thanks Jirka

I assume EL7 will at some point be supported by the engine?


On 27 October 2014 02:54, Jiri Moskovcak <> wrote:
On 10/25/2014 12:11 AM, Alastair Neil wrote:
I am trying to migrate my old ovirt install which started out at 3.3
standalone engine on FC19 to a hosted engine.  I want to use CentOS ,
however, the postgresql version on 6.5 is old (8.4.20) and I am unable
to get a clean restore.  The version on FC 19 is 9.2.8, it looks like EL
7 has 9.2.7 (I am hoping the difference in the minor rev will not bite me).

I was wondering if there are any issues using EL 7 to host the engine?
I know I had seen some reports of issues with 3.5 on EL7 as hosts but
was not sure if the engine had any gotchas.

using el7 on host for hosted engine is ok (just tried that few times last week), but engine is not supported on el7, so use different os when installing the engine vm.


Thanks, Alastair

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