On Thu, Oct 2, 2014 at 12:26 PM, Vinzenz Feenstra <vfeenstr@redhat.com> wrote:

I have just released the ovirt-guest-agent ovirt-3.5 builds with version

The usual guest agent OBS repositories on have been updated for
- Debian 7
- Ubuntu 12.04, 13.10, 14.04

this is for Ubuntu 14.04.1, following  

All ok.
Only note that when at the end you write to run the command:

service ovirt-guest-agent start

actually the installation already did it so the step, at least for trusty, is not necessary.

root@ubuntutrusty:~# service ovirt-guest-agent status
ovirt-guest-agent start/running, process 8479

root@ubuntutrusty:~# ps -ef|grep 8479
root      8479     1  0 14:41 ?        00:00:00 sudo -u ovirtagent -g ovirtagent python /usr/share/ovirt-guest-agent/ovirt-guest-agent.py
ovirtag+  8480  8479  5 14:41 ?        00:00:00 python /usr/share/ovirt-guest-agent/ovirt-guest-agent.py

This was done on a guest that didn't have any version of ovirt-guest agent installed yet.

I have not access at the webadmin gui at the moment, but from vdsClient all is ok: fields not empty and values in line with what detected from guest side.

[root@ovnode04 ~]# vdsClient -s 0 getVmStats 168470b1-b7eb-4dab-8fa4-6b744e2ad738

Status = Up
displayInfo = [{'tlsPort': '5901', 'ipAddress': '', 'port': '5900', 'type': 'spice'}]
memUsage = 21
acpiEnable = true
pid = 13761
session = Unknown
netIfaces = [{'inet6': ['fe80::201:a4ff:fea3:4202'], 'hw': '00:01:a4:a3:42:02', 'inet': [''], 'name': 'eth0'}]
timeOffset = 7200
memoryStats = {'swap_out': '0', 'majflt': '0', 'swap_usage': '537564', 'mem_cached': '2235820', 'mem_free': '3304220', 'mem_buffers': '808384', 'swap_in': '0', 'swap_total': '4190204', 'pageflt': '127', 'mem_total': '4046624', 'mem_unused': '260016'}
balloonInfo = {'balloon_max': '4194304', 'balloon_min': '2795520', 'balloon_target': '4194304', 'balloon_cur': '4194304'}
disksUsage = [{'path': '/', 'total': '132761899008', 'fs': 'ext4', 'used': '96525254656'}, {'path': '/boot', 'total': '246755328', 'fs': 'ext2', 'used': '37814272'}]
network = {'vnet0': {'macAddr': '00:01:a4:a3:42:02', 'rxDropped': '0', 'txDropped': '0', 'rxErrors': '0', 'txRate': '0.0', 'rxRate': '0.0', 'txErrors': '0', 'state': 'unknown', 'speed': '1000', 'name': 'vnet0'}}
displayType = qxl
guestName = ubuntutrusty
elapsedTime = 531765
vmJobs = {}
cpuSys = 2.13
appsList = ['ovirt-guest-agent-', 'xserver-xorg-video-qxl-0.1.1-0ubuntu3', 'linux-image-3.13.0-32.57']
guestOs = 3.13.0-32-generic
guestFQDN = ubuntutrusty
hash = 321743183059063288
lastLogin = 1412253703.11
vmType = kvm
displayIp =
vcpuPeriod = 1000
displayPort = 5900
guestIPs =
vcpuQuota = -1
kvmEnable = true
disks = {'vda': {'readLatency': '1280281', 'apparentsize': '133143986176', 'writeLatency': '3354880', 'imageID': 'd690177e-eca6-4dd2-9380-9d2d49c35b68', 'flushLatency': '4457684', 'readRate': '1293.33', 'truesize': '133143986176', 'writeRate': '1565.61'}, 'hdc': {'readLatency': '0', 'apparentsize': '0', 'writeLatency': '0', 'flushLatency': '0', 'readRate': '0.00', 'truesize': '0', 'writeRate': '0.00'}}
monitorResponse = 0
statsAge = 1.01
username = gianluca
cpuUser = 10.14
guestCPUCount = 1
vcpuCount = 1
clientIp = 
displaySecurePort = 5901
