
2022. 07. 03. 7:02 keltezéssel, P F írta:
I've search a number of old threads here on the ovirt list archives.  Many refer to vdsm hooks that don't appear to exist any longer in ovirt 4.5.1.
Nested VT can be switched on while you (re)install your host, or in modprobe (/etc/modprobe.d/vdsm-nestedvt.conf) on every host which runs the nested VMs.

The mac spoofing protection however was moved, and you don't need special vdsm hooks now.
Just go to the GUI, and in Network -> vNIC Profiles select the network which you want to turn off the protection, click on Edit, and in a network filter dropdown, select the "No Network Filter" option.



Erdősi Péter
Informatikus, IKT Fejlesztési Főosztály

Kormányzati Informatikai Fejlesztési Ügynökség
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