2017-10-23 14:53 GMT+02:00 Winfried de Heiden <wdh@dds.nl>:
Hi all,
Using oVirt 4.1 using FreeIPA for authentication for oVirt Manager is quite straight forward. Now, for the hypervisor I'm using oVirt-node. OK, I do not much login on the hypervisor it self, but it would be nice to integrate oVirt-node with FreeIPA as well.
Maybe I'm missing something, but I cannot find anything about this... Is it possible for oVirt-node to integrate with FreeIPA?
We are tracking a similar request here: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1490041 - [RFE] Provide IdM client software in RHVHIn oVirt Node you can just enable CentOS repos and install any needed package and configure it as if it was a normal CentOS installation.Nothing already integrated ready to be consumed.
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