I am trying to eat own dog food.  Infrastructure as code...

So.. I have taken three physical servers.  Setup all the base packages, set NICs, NTP, DNS, collected disk UUIDs etc..

The servers are prepped.

And one server has cockpit and ovirt-engine installed... and service started.


# This task takes nodes prepaired and deploys cockpit, ovirt deployment and scripts cluster initilization. ONLY RUN THIS ON FIRST NODE OF CLUSTER
# v0.001 20210222
# file: /roles/task_hci_setup.yml
# Documentation
# Overview: https://www.ovirt.org/documentation/gluster-hyperconverged/chap-Deploying_Hyperconverged.html

nameCheck if rpm ovirt-release44 is already installed
nameConditionally do next thing
    msg"ovirt-release44 Not installed"
  whenyum_list.results | selectattr("yumstate", "match", "installed") | list | length == 0

# Add oVirt Repo manual.
nameDownload oVirt Repo RPM
  whenyum_list.results | selectattr("yumstate", "match", "installed") | list | length == 0
nameInstall Python3 as this is needed for oVirt.
    - python3

nameFor some reason install of oVirt Repo fails as package so have to run as shell
  command"rpm -ivh ~/ovirt-release44.rpm"
  whenyum_list.results | selectattr("yumstate", "match", "installed") | list | length == 0

nameWith new oVirt repo.. install rest of HCI dependancies
    - cockpit-ovirt-dashboard
    - vdsm-gluster
    - ovirt-host
    - ovirt-ansible-roles
    - ovirt-ansible-infra

# Set variable for first node in cluster list to set as ignition master
nameOnly on first node thor deploy ovirt-engine-appliance
    - ovirt-engine-appliance
  when"'{{ hci_ignition_node }}' in inventory_hostname"

# on local ansible host install galaxy modules
# Broken: I need a means to check if installed. If so .. don't install again.
# - name: Install Galaxy Modules on local ansible host
#   local_action:
#     module: shell
#     _raw_params: ansible-galaxy install oVirt.ovirt-ansible-roles
#   # when: <check for something to show galaxy installed module

nameStart cockpit service
  when"'{{ hci_ignition_node }}' in inventory_hostname"

####### HCI Deploy #############

What I am missing is the logic and though to get the last section of playbook.. Which is ... what I would do in the wizard... ... but "step away from the mouse".

# Ansible section:  from bastion node (laptop windows 10 WSL with ansible and galaxy installed

# 1)  build playbook from my site variables... based on some ovirt master sharing template of what that UI builds

# 2)   push the playbook that installs ansible on the first node.  Install  ansible as a first node...  Run ansible playbook from customized template file

# 3)  Create vlans.  

# 4) Setup new VM gluster shared volume from three other disk

# 5) Push a template VM into cluster, attached to new VLAN and attached to new volume

#6) Deploy VM from this template

#7) Drink a cold beer


1) Can you do ansible deployment from "bastion host" or does the ansible have to run on the node that is installed with the "ovirt-engine". If so.. how do you collect feedback etc..

2) I assume there is a template.  Maybe it is published but I could not find it.  That I replace (or match) variables of my site that fill in that file.

3) I installed galaxy oVirt.ovirt-ansible-roles      but.. how do I know it is deployed on my bastion host?  I poked around in the ansible folder.. not seeing anything.  And I assume this only is of help POST the above seven steps being done.  But maybe this has deployment components and I am missing documents.

