

I ve downloaded an installed OVIRT NODE

During the installation I ‘ve setup a static ip (I ‘ve also tried dhcp, both work)

The installation passes and after the reboot ovirt node starts without any problems.

BUT the network is not configured.

I know https://www.ovirt.org/documentation/install-guide/chap-oVirt_Nodes/ and  I know



and now I am between these two documents

oVirt is installed but network is not configured to add it to datacenter


of course I know the scripts under /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts

do I really have do edit it manuel?


if I change ip in command line

ip a add … dev..

and ip route add …

it fails to add node to datacenter


- with one of the last version I ‘ve added the IP address in bash

- added the host to datacenter,

- after reboot readd the ip address in bash after reboot

- an then I could change network settings in oVirt Manger


What is best practices for adding a node to datacenter when the ip address is not assigned after installation


Thx shb