I answer my own question."I think" lolI am going to create a new ovirtmgmt logical network with a vlan tag and than move my hosts in to it for management. This interface is not part of the vm network.The rest of the logical networks with vlans will be tagged and part of the vm network.I think that logic is right.Thoughts?Regards,On Sun, Jul 31, 2016, at 11:43 PM, Fernando Fuentes wrote:Right now as we stand boht ovirt management and LAN data crosses the same interface.I have two bonds. I want to move ovirt management to its own bond and tag it with vlan id 35.Than I wan to move my LAN which has no tag and my dmz that does have a tag in to my secondary bond.The switch is all configured what I am not sure is when making the logical network do I make the LAN a "VM Network"?And the same question for my dmz tagged vlan...I attached a small diagram that explains what I am trying to accomplish... I hope :DThanks for the help.Regards,On Sun, Jul 31, 2016, at 12:50 PM, Edward Haas wrote:On Sun, Jul 31, 2016 at 7:19 PM, Fernando Fuentes <ffuentes@darktcp.net> wrote:Team,Is it possible to move the ovirt management interface to a separate vlanand keep it from been on the same interface as my LAN?Networks, including the management one, can be assign as non-vlan or as vlan ondifferent nics/bonds.If you want to assign two or more networks on the same nic/bond, only one can remainnon-vlan, the rest must be set with a vlan.Vlan networks require that traffic entering the nic/bond is tagged, therefore, the switch portthat the nic is connected to must be set as a trunk.If you have a specific setup in mind, please draw a network diagram for us.IE: assign a tag to ovirtmanagement and keep another interface as untagfor my LAN to use with the VM'sThoughts ideas?TIA!Regards,
Fernando Fuentes
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