When you say "not visible in oVirt" you mean that you do not see them in the UI?  Do you know the specific uuids for the missing volumes?  You could use lvm to check if the LVs are visible to the host.

lvs --config 'global {use_lvmetad=0}' -o +tags

For each LV, the tag beginning with IU_ indicates the image the volume belongs to.

You could also try to use the vdsm commands:

# Get the storage pool id
sudo vdsm-client Host getConnectedStoragePools 

# Get a list of storagedomain IDs
sudo vdsm-client Host getStorageDomains # gives you a list of storagedomainIDs

# Get a list of image ids on a domain
sudo vdsm-client StorageDomain getImages sdUUID=<domain id>

# Get a list of volume ids in an image
sudo vdsm-client Image getVolumes imageID=<image> storagepoolID=<pool> storagedomainID=<domain>

If the wanted images are present on the host but not in engine then you had a problem with import.  If the images are not visible to the host then you probably have some storage connection issue.

On Wed, May 31, 2017 at 6:11 PM, Николаев Алексей <alexeynikolaev.post@yandex.ru> wrote:
Please advise, where I can find some materials how oVirt (or maybe VDSM) works with block storage, multipath?
30.05.2017, 11:57, "Николаев Алексей" <alexeynikolaev.post@yandex.ru>:
Hi, community!
After import DATA DOMAIN some VM disks not visible in oVirt.
Can I manually copy VM disks from data domain at FC block device?

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