On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 5:30 PM, Michal Skrivanek <michal.skrivanek@redhat.com> wrote:

> From ovmsrv05 I verified I can ssh with public key and without password input to the oracle_vm_host

you need to add/run that as a vdsm user on ovmsrv05. Did you check the ssh via something like "runuser -u vdsm”?

Ah... ok
I didn't realize that the import process is run by vdsm user on oVirt hosts.
Now I setup it for vdsm user but I get this in import window:

Failed to communicate with the external provider, see log for additional details.

And this in webadmin events pane:

Failed to retrieve VMs information from external server xen+ssh://root@oracle_vm_server
VDSM ovmsrv05 command GetVmsNamesFromExternalProviderVDS failed: End of file while reading data: : Input/output error

Furher lines in vdsm.log (nothing inside import directory):

2017-02-23 17:35:34,094 ERROR (jsonrpc/2) [root] error connecting to hypervisor: 'End of file while reading data: : Input/output error' (v2v:183)
2017-02-23 17:35:34,096 INFO  (jsonrpc/2) [jsonrpc.JsonRpcServer] RPC call Host.getExternalVMNames failed (error 65) in 10.09 seconds (__init__:515)

Does the import phase need a libvirt daemon in target? In this case my Oracle VM is 3.2.9 while probably libvirt (for integrating with Openstack) has been introduced only in 3.4.1....
Or any chance to be able to communicate with Oracle VM Manager...?
