Ah... the host must be in maintenance mode to sync the networks.

Before syncing the network on the host check your routes, gateway, /etc/resolv.conf and ip addresses in order to compare what was different (before & after).

ip a s
ip route
cat /etc/resolv.conf

Best Regards,
Strahil Nikolov

В четвъртък, 14 ноември 2019 г., 11:20:41 ч. Гринуич+2, wangyu13476969128@126.com <wangyu13476969128@126.com> написа:

Strahil.  I follow your method.

When I press the button "sync all networks" . It report error:
Error while executing action SyncAllHostNetworks: Network is currently being used.

How can I solve this problem ?
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