Il giorno ven 22 mar 2019 alle ore 05:25 Leo David <> ha scritto:
Thank you guys !
Wow... this complicates the things, since reinstalling the hosts with centos instead of oVirt node distribution would give me a bit of headache. The dell hosts are already running in production.
I think it would be really nice if standard node would support installing management software for well known brands like dell, hp, lenovo, supermicro, etc... I am sure we cannot track every server brand in the world, but in realitty there are just a couple of them most spreaded across ovirt node installations.
I will try to see what I can do, although I am a bit afraid to not break the os somehow...

Hi, oVirt Node will persist packages installed on the system across updates.
Official documentation about this is here:
According to documentation at
you should check after the upgrade that all the needed packages have been persisted.

A very outdated feature page for this is here:


On Thu, Mar 21, 2019, 21:31 Jayme <> wrote:
Agree with Chris here, regular CentOS 7 hosts may be easier to manage in this case.  Not much persists when updating oVirt node, some select folders/files persist on updates such as /etc and /root for example but I'm not sure how custom packages/rpms are handled.  I believe there may be ways you can have packages persist but I'm not familiar with the process.  I know the idea of package persistence was brought up before but I'm not sure if/when/how it was implemented.

On Thu, Mar 21, 2019 at 3:52 PM Chris Adams <> wrote:
Once upon a time, Leo David <> said:
> Hello everyone,
> I would really like to have installed Dell OMSA on my dell nodes so I can
> benefit of lots of administration features. Does anyone managed to have it
> installed ?

oVirt Node has the regular CentOS yum repos disabled, but Dell's OMSA
expects them (and possibly some things from EPEL? can't remember).  You
can try "yum --enablerepo={base,updates} install srvadmin-all".

I'm not sure how oVirt Node might handle the additional packages, what
will happen on oVirt upgrades, etc. though.  From what I understand,
installing additional software on Node isn't really supported.  You
might be better off installing "regular" CentOS and then oVirt, without
using the Node method.

Chris Adams <>
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