
You'll want to the PUT method to attach an ISO to the cdrom drive.  Here is a link to the relevant RHEV API documentation:


On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 11:35 AM, Tom Brown <> wrote:
> cdroms is a sub-collection of vm, you have to:
> 1. create vm
> 2. insert cd in to cdrom (this is done via updating cdrom)
> 3. run vm specifying CD as first boot device

based on my previous posts i dont suppose you have a working example do you as i am having great difficulty making it work how i would imagine. I can create the VM fine, set the boot order and have the console all correct, its just 'attaching' the iso that is the issue.

> i'd also suggest you looking in to the sdk (python/java),
> you may find it easier than working with api directly over http.

if i were starting from scratch you may well be correct, its just this is a small piece of some larger orchestration and its all a bit too embedded as is to start to rework it at this time.


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