On 05/21/2018 11:51 AM, 03ce007@gmail.com wrote:
> I have a self-hosted-engine (4.2) running on a centos 7.4 server.
> I have downloaded ovirt ansible roles from ansible-galaxy and can run them from the server where the engineVM is running and able to deploy new vms, clusters, dc, etc.
> I have seen the use of ovirt4.py file to target and group hosts which you can target for specific plays. However, the box where self-hosted-engine is running is a physical server but I am looking to run ansible from my local machine instead to manage vms running on engineVM. Is there a way to achieve this?
Sure you can use your own computer to manage the VMs.
In your playbook you just need to specify group/host where the tasks of
the playbook should run.
So if using the ovirt4.py script as your inventory file, you need to
just specify specific group where you want to run the tasks in your
playbook like this:
- hosts: tag_httpd
If you want to Create/Delete VMs using ovirt_* modules, you can do it
from your computer as well, but you need to install Python SDK version
4. You can download it from pip using following command: pip install
> Thank you in advance.
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