
You have the following configuration parameters :

FenceStartStatusRetries (default 10)
FenceStartStatusDelayBetweenRetriesInSec (default 18 sec)

FenceStopStatusRetries(default 10)
FenceStopStatusDelayBetweenRetriesInSec(default 18 sec)

You can use the engine-config utility to change any of those (requires engine restart)

For example

engine-config -s FenceStartStatusRetries=30

On Wed, Jul 12, 2017 at 12:27 PM, TranceWorldLogic . <tranceworldlogic@gmail.com> wrote:

I have created HA VM with priority as High.
And then I block host network connection using firewall rule as shown below.
iptables -I INPUT -j DROP; iptables -I OUTPUT -j DROP;

As expected ovirt had call fencing to power off host and power on it again.
At backgroud ovirt tried 10 time to start that VM but as host down it fail to start.
And after 10 trial it giveup to start VM.

Is there any way to increase trail count ?
And also let me know how to change retry timer.


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