On Fri, Jan 11, 2019 at 6:48 PM Gianluca Cecchi <gianluca.cecchi@gmail.com> wrote:

The problem now is at final step where I get

[ INFO ] TASK [oVirt.hosted-engine-setup : debug]
[ INFO ] ok: [localhost]
[ INFO ] TASK [oVirt.hosted-engine-setup : Fetch Datacenter ID]
[ INFO ] ok: [localhost]
[ INFO ] TASK [oVirt.hosted-engine-setup : Fetch Datacenter name]
[ INFO ] ok: [localhost]
[ INFO ] TASK [oVirt.hosted-engine-setup : Add NFS storage domain]
[ INFO ] skipping: [localhost]
[ INFO ] TASK [oVirt.hosted-engine-setup : Add glusterfs storage domain]
[ ERROR ] Error: Fault reason is "Operation Failed". Fault detail is "[Invalid parameter]". HTTP response code is 400.
[ ERROR ] fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Fault reason is \"Operation Failed\". Fault detail is \"[Invalid parameter]\". HTTP response code is 400."}

On engine VM I see a reference to " CreateStorageDomainVDS failed: Invalid parameter: 'block_size=None'" in engine.log

 2019-01-11 18:30:07,890+01 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogDirector] (default task-1) [70f9b925] EVENT_ID: VDS_BROKER_COMMAND_FAILURE(10,802), VDSM ov4301.localdomain.local command CreateStorageDomainVDS failed: Invalid parameter: 'block_size=None'
2019-01-11 18:30:07,891+01 INFO  [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.CreateStorageDomainVDSCommand] (default task-1) [70f9b925] Command 'org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.CreateStorageDomainVDSCommand' return value 'StatusOnlyReturn [status=Status [code=1000, message=Invalid parameter: 'block_size=None']]'
2019-01-11 18:30:07,891+01 INFO  [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.CreateStorageDomainVDSCommand] (default task-1) [70f9b925] HostName = ov4301.localdomain.local
2019-01-11 18:30:07,891+01 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.CreateStorageDomainVDSCommand] (default task-1) [70f9b925] Command 'CreateStorageDomainVDSCommand(HostName = ov4301.localdomain.local, CreateStorageDomainVDSCommandParameters:{hostId='0ae6c1d6-a1cc-49fc-8ecd-2a252cf2a3c4', storageDomain='StorageDomainStatic:{name='hosted_storage', id='c8005311-1e16-4ffe-bb37-e88dd0c90654'}', args=''})' execution failed: VDSGenericException: VDSErrorException: Failed in vdscommand to CreateStorageDomainVDS, error = Invalid parameter: 'block_size=None'

BTW: in my second test with the workaround of pre-creation of directory I scratched all before and set the gluster network to to avoid conflict with the temporary bridge. I didn't get anymore the json error described in item 3) of my first post
