On 05/03/2013 01:10 AM, Dan Kenigsberg wrote:Yes the host is up
> On Thu, May 02, 2013 at 11:26:41PM +0530, Pradipta Kumar Banerjee wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a situation where VM is actually up and running (I can access its VNC
>> console), however oVirt engine ui shows the status as down.
>> I'm using ovirt engine v3.2 from stable repo on F18
>> Any suggestions to trouble shoot the issue ?
> That's like the worse thing that can happen - if you ever make decide to
> start another instance of that VM on another host - so please tread
> carefully.
> Does the host that run the VM shows as Up in Engine?
> What doesEmpty output
> vdsClient -s 0 list table
> shows there?
> and
> virsh -r list
This lists the VM. Also I'm able to access the console of the VM and work on it.
No migration, VM pinned to specific host itself.
> ?
> When is the last time that the VM was known to be up by Engine? Do you
> have vdsm.log from that time?
> It is very important to the project that you collect as much information
> about the lifecycle of this VM (i.e. was it migrated from somewhere,
> complete vdsm.log since creation). However, you may have a conflicting
> interest if you value that VM's data. You should probably shut it down
> cleanly from within the guest in that case.
Its a test setup so no worries on data corruption. However I agree its important
to find out the root cause.
Btw I should mention that I'm using ovirt-engine on x86_64 and vdsm on IBM Power
host. Not sure if its a host specific issue.
I'll see if I can recreate the issue.
vdsm.log file is around 11MB. Is there any place where I can upload it?
> Dan.
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