On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 12:06 PM, Gianluca Cecchi <gianluca.cecchi@gmail.com> wrote:
I'm with oVirt 4.2.3 (upgraded from 4.1 and compatibilities set to 4.2)
I have a CentOS 7 VM.
I correctly uploaded an iSO image to the disks of a data storage domain (iSCSI).
Now in web admin portal I select the VM, then the 3 dots in top right, then change cd
I'm proposed with the [Eject] line and into the dropdown I see the two iso images I have uploaded up to now.
I select an image and then OK

I get a window with title "Operation canceled" and content
Error while executing action Change CD: Drive image file could not be found

Do I have to edit any setting in my VM to be able to connect an ISO image this way?
Or other things to check?

Only me with this problem? 
I verified that on another 4.2.3 environment with NFS based data domain I can upload an ISO and then attach eto a CentOS 7 VM without any problem.
Can anyone test if it works for him/her on block storage domain (iSCSI or SAN) so that eventually I'm going to open a bug for this problem?