After nodes were joined the ovirt cluster, you must :

1) create networks within Datacenter tab. There you set the VLAN tagging, with the VLAN ID. You can also specify the network usage (migration, management, vm etc.). You must also assign network to the cluster containing nodes.
2) assign these networks to nodes from Host>Setup Host Networks, without assign an IP, being the "transport" to the vm that will run on the nodes. At the same time, or before, or later, you can create the bond from the same point. Choose the right bond mode, depending on the switch config and supported modes on ovirt.

After these task, networks will go up in the cluster, so you can start to deploy vm and assign vm to these "trunked" networks, assigning them IP addresses, fixed or via DHCP.

Hope this help you.

Roberto Nunin
Gruppo Comifar


ICT Infrastructure Manager
Nucleo Ind. Sant'Atto - S.Nicolò A Tordino

64100, Teramo (TE) - Italy

Phone: +39 0861 204 415 int: 2415

Fax: +39 02 3333 0804

Mobile: +39 3483019957



On Mon, Jan 14, 2019 at 4:08 AM +0100, "Sebastian Antunez N." <> wrote:

Hello Guys

Have a lab with 6 nodes Ovirt 4.2. All nodes have 4 nic 1GB and two nic are for Management and and I will assign two nic in bonding for VM traffic

My problem is the following.

The switch Cisco have 2 VLAN (56 and 57) and I need to be able to create a new network with the two vlan but I am not clear how to make it so that the vlan go through this created network. I have read that I must create a network with vlan 56 for example and assign it an IP, and then create the network with vlan 57 and assign it an IP and later assign it to bonding.

Is what I indicate or should another process be correct?

Thanks for the help.


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