On Thu, Aug 4, 2022 at 2:51 AM <simon@justconnect.ie> wrote:
Many thanks for your help Didi.

I must've missed the following section you pointed out:

| We do have a section about restoring a backup inside the engine VM,
| assuming that it's still ok - search for "Overwriting a Self-Hosted
| Engine from an Existing Backup".

It worked perfectly thanks.

Glad to hear that. Thanks for the update!

As for the build of a 3 node environment using Foreman and ansible, it takes about 1-2 hours from start to finish.

Yes, we do run it routinely in our QE - but I seldom hear about real users doing that...

And our QE did sometimes find bugs there, that did not affect 'hosted-engine --deploy', but I can't recall even one such bug report from a real user.

The main practical difference between them, other than the obvious one of having to provide all answers in a var file beforehand, is that it does not use our ansible callback for generating the log files. Depending on how you run ansible, this will likely make it somewhat harder to investigate problems - with the callback, we log each time an ansible var changed its value, but without this callback, you rely on the code having enough 'debug' tasks at relevant points.

Best regards,