On Thu, Mar 30, 2017 at 2:25 PM, Giulio Casella <giulio@di.unimi.it> wrote:
On 30/03/2017 13:39, nicolas@devels.es wrote:
Hi Giulio,

I tried to reproduce your same steps and it returns an non-empty list
for me.

In [1]: vms_serv = sys_serv.vms_service()

In [2]: vm = vms_serv.list(search='name=bleh')[0]

In [3]: vmsv = vms_serv.vm_service(vm.id)

In [4]: vmsess = vmsv.sessions_service()

In [5]: vmsess.list()
[<ovirtsdk4.types.Session at 0x4701e10>,
 <ovirtsdk4.types.Session at 0x4701e90>]

Are you sure a session is initiated on vmname in the moment you run the
vms_service.list(...)[0] statement?

Yes, if I print vm I obtain:

<ovirtsdk4.types.Vm object at 0x15dcb10>

while if I print vm_service:


and it is a real service (e.g. I can call method start, shutdown, ...)

El 2017-03-30 12:01, Giulio Casella escribió:
I'm trying to obtain a list of users connected to a VM, using python
SDK v4.
Here's what I'm doing:

vm = vms_service.list(search="name=vmname")[0]
vm_service = vms_service.vm_service(vm.id)
sessions = vm_service.sessions_service().list()

But "sessions" is None.

Same result using:

s = connection.follow_link(vm.sessions)

"s" is None.

I tried also using curl, and if I connect to:


I get a beautiful 404.

Also using v3 of python SDK I obtain the same behaviour.

So I suspect that retrieving user sessions via API is not implemented,
is it? If not, what I'm doing wrong?

Works OK for me:

In [12]: vm_service = vms_service.vm_service('55095f91-e8e3-4634-9d05-47e0cc91e66b')

In [13]: vm_service.sessions_service().list()
Out[13]: []

In [14]: sdk.version.VERSION
Out[14]: '4.0.4'

What is the version of the SDK you are using?

I'm using RHV

Thanks in advance,

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Giulio Casella                                    giulio at di.unimi.it
System and network manager
Computer Science Dept. - University of Milano

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