
When trying to attach the first NFS data storage domain to the default data center it does not get attached. It appears and disappears after a few seconds from the "storage domains" table in the "Data Centers" tab in the GUI.
In engine.log (attached) I see many errors.

Here is some information about the system:

[wil@bufferoverflow ovirt-engine]$ cat /etc/issue
Fedora release 18 (Spherical Cow)
Kernel \r on an \m (\l)
[wil@bufferoverflow ovirt-engine]$ sestatus
SELinux status:                 disabled
[wil@bufferoverflow ovirt-engine]$ rpm -q vdsm
[wil@bufferoverflow ovirt-engine]$ nfsstat | grep -i nfs
Server nfs v3:
Client nfs v3:

Thank you in advance.
Limor G