On Fri, Jul 7, 2017 at 9:38 PM, Ramachandra Reddy Ankireddypalle <rcreddy.ankireddypalle@gmail.com> wrote:
     Does virt-v2v command work with glusterfs storage domain. I have an OVA image and that needs to be imported to glusterfs storage domain. Please provide some pointers to this.

 I don't see a reason why it wouldn't work.
Assuming that the import operation is triggered from oVirt, the engine then creates the target disk(s) and prepares the image(s) on the host that the conversion will be executed on as it regularly does. virt-v2v then just to write to that "prepared" image.
In the import dialog you can select the target storage domain. I would suggest that you just try to pick the glusterfs storage domain and see if it works. It should work, if not - please let us know.

Thanks and Regards,

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