I think that first you need to install the appliance and then in offline mode ot should skip connecting to yum repos.

Best Regards,
Strahil Nikolov

On Fri, Aug 13, 2021 at 19:56, Andrew Lamarra
<andrew.lamarra@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi there. I'm trying to get oVirt up & running on a server in a network that has no access to the Internet. We do host mirrors of CentOS 7 & 8 repos (no Stream). I first tried the latest version of oVirt 4.4, however, I ran into an issue when trying to do the Hosted Engine deployment. The command I used was "hosted-engine --deploy --ansible-extra-vars=he_offline_deployment=true". But at some point, I get the following error:

[ INFO  ] DNF Errors during downloading metadata for repository 'ovirt-4.4-centos-ceph-pacific':
          - Status code: 404 for http://mirror.centos.org/centos/8-stream/storage/x86_64/ceph-pacific/repodata/repomd.xml
[ ERROR ] DNF Failed to download metadata for repo 'ovirt-4.4-centos-ceph-pacific': Cannot download repomd.xml: Cannot download repodata/repomd.xml: All mirrors were tried

Seems like it's still trying to download something from the CentOS 8 Stream repo. So I figured that since we have the CentOS 7 repos hosted, I'll try oVirt v4.3. However, I don't see an option to do an "offline deployment" with this version. It says the "--ansible-extra-vars" option is invalid. I tried doing a regular deployment but it tries downloading from the oVirt repo:

[ INFO ] TASK [ovirt.hosted_enging_setup : Install ovirt-engine-appliance rpm]
[ ERROR ] fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => ["attempts": 10, "changed": false, "msg": "Failure talking to yum: cannot retrieve metalink for repository: ovirt-4.3-epel/x86_64. Please verify its path and try again"}

I can bring over a mirror of the ovirt-4.3 repo. I also see that there's some other repos in the "ovirt-4.3-dependencies.repo" file. Are those required for deploying the hosted engine VM as well? Or does anyone know if there's a way to do this deployment completely offline?

Thank you for your time.
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