On Thu, Jul 13, 2017 at 2:26 PM, Davide Ferrari <davide@billymob.com> wrote:

Hello Victor

how do you remove the disk from the VM's configuration? From the disk tab under the VM?

On 11/07/17 20:51, Victor José Acosta Domínguez wrote:

Yes it is possible, you must remove from first VM's configuration (be careful, do not delete your virtual disk)

After that you can attach ad that disk to another VM

Process should be:
- Detach disk from VM1
- Delete disk from VM1's configuration
- Attach disk to VM2

Victor Acosta

you select the VM, then the Disks sub-tab and there you select the disk and then "Remove"
Pay attention in confirmation window to leave unselected the "Remove permanently" checkbox.
Then in System -> Disks (or in Datacenter_name -> DIsks) you will see the removed disk with nothing in the "Attached To" column.
You select target VM, disks subtab, you select "Attach" option (not "New") and you will see a list of existing disks that can be attached to the VM.
Select the desired disk and click ok.