My idea is that Gluster is there and is in use and it should not be removed just because the downstream is closing to EOL.
A simple warning on the website is enough.

Best Regards,
Strahil Nikolov

В петък, 4 февруари 2022 г., 22:11:45 Гринуич+2, Dori Seliškar via Users <> написа:

I don't want to be anybody's  advocate here. And I also found DRBD alone too cumbersome to use in this role in the past, but linstor actually makes it very easy to use. In search for HCI storage solution I was convinced by following press release (  ) to even try linstor  (I am glad I did). I can not speak about CEPH but Gluster performance was always problematic for us. Please do not understand me wrong. I think more choices of storage is a good thing and makes oVirt a more viable solution. There are other solutions out there which adopt new storage options faster and if oVirt will fall too far behind imho it would certainly not be good.

Best regards,
On 2/4/22 20:27, Strahil Nikolov via Users wrote:
RHV & RHGS might be abandoned, but this doesn't mean that oVirt & Gluster should stop existing just because a corporation doesn't see HugePiles of $ in them. Removing Gluster support from oVirt, just because RHGS support is close to end, is irrelevant. After all, oVirt never had support in the full meaning of it.

It is up to the community and despite the  future doesn't seem bright, I don't see how Openshift will take oVirt/RHV's place and I don't want to go back to KVM + Pacemaker .

I was searching for alternatives for a small Hyperconverged setup and to be honest, neither CEPH, nor DRBD look so useful.

Best Regards,
Strahil Nikolov

On Fri, Feb 4, 2022 at 19:28, Dori Seliškar via Users
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