Sounds like - can you confirm?

On Sat, Dec 23, 2017 at 1:56 AM, Chris Adams <> wrote:
I upgraded a CentOS 7 oVirt 4.1.7 (initially installed as 3.5 if it
matters) test oVirt cluster to 4.2.0, and ran into one minor issue.  The
update installed firewalld on the host, which was set to start on boot.
This replaced the iptables rules with a blank firewalld setup that only
allowed SSH, which kept the host from working.

Stopping and disabling firewalld, then reloading iptables, got the host
back working.

In a quick search, I didn't see anything noting that firewalld was now
required, and it didn't seem to be configured correctly if oVirt was
trying to use it.

Chris Adams <>
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