On Thu, Oct 4, 2018 at 2:46 PM <debec.arnaud@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear all,

I am going to deploy a self-hosted engine in order to manage 3 servers with 8 network interfaces each. I couldn't find in the documentation when the network shall be configured to perform the self-hosted engine deployment. In others words, what shall be done at the oVirt Node level and what shall managed afterwards via the Engine once the self-hosted engine is performed.

Node version: virt-node-ng-installer-ovirt-4.2-2018062610
Storage: SAN via iSCSI

I tried this order in my previous tests:
1. Install the oVirt node on every server with DNS configured
2. Configure IP + bond for the administration network (2 interfaces)
3. Configure IP for iSCSI network (4 interfaces)
4. Configure IP + bond for the VM network
5. self-hosted --deploy
At this point, oVirt complained by not finding an network interface available for the deployment. Is the bond must be configured afterward via the Engine?

What you did looks fine but please take care that bonds should be named bondX where X is [0, 1, 2...].
Please note then that not all the bonding modes could be used for VMs and the engine VM should reach the hosts over the management network:

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