Perhaps it's more of a Foreman/API limitation.

In Foreman I provision two interfaces, that in the Foreman UI at least, have an ordering. Sometimes when they are provisioned in oVirt the "second" interface has a lower MAC than the "first" interface and so the ordering in Foreman is different to the ordering in oVIrt.

This breaks a bunch of stuff that relies on the networks being on specific interface (eth0, eth1).

---- On Wed, 24 May 2023 14:09:33 +0100 Volenbovskyi, Konstantin <> wrote ---


Do I understand it correctly that:

                -your OS uses PCI addresses to order NICSs?

                -PCI addresses of NICs are in fact non-consistent between VMs?

So you boot VM1 (with NICs vNIC1 and vNIC2) and VM2 (vNIC3 and vNIC4) with same order in eg. API (->GUI) and you sometimes see different PCI addresses (vNIC2 has higher PCI address than vNIC1; however vNIC3 has higher PCI address than vNIC4)? I am surprised about that…





Von: Alan G <>
Datum: Mittwoch, 24. Mai 2023 um 10:50
An: Guillaume Pavese <>
Cc: users <>
Betreff: [ovirt-users] Re: NIC Ordering


I don't create the VMs directly in the UI but use the API with Foreman. If I change the MACs on the NICs I have to go back and update Foreman as well.


My workaround today is unplug the NIC I want to be second, briefly power-up the VM so the "first" NIC gets assigned a PCI address, shutdown and re-plug the "second" NIC. On power-up the "second" NIC will be assigned a later PCI address and so achieve the ordering I want.


It's just fiddly and can only be done on first boot. I was hoping for a more elegant solution that works when you have large numbers of VMs to provision.




---- On Wed, 24 May 2023 08:09:21 +0100 Guillaume Pavese <> wrote ---


I think it depends on the mac addresses.

If you see that the MAC addresses are not sequential, delete the NICs and recreate them in the order you want them to be

it world for us



Guillaume Pavese
Ingénieur Système et Réseau




On Wed, May 24, 2023 at 1:46AM Alan G <> wrote:



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Is there any way to enforce NIC ordering so the vNICs match the ordering in the Engine UI?


I found this but not clear if it was ever implemented?





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