Newer Vdsm will work with older engine, so in your case, I don't see any reason not to update the Vdsm.

BTW, can you describe what do you mean by "a very customized cinder/ceph setup" ?


On Sun, Apr 29, 2018 at 3:55 PM, Matthias Leopold <matthias.leopold@meduniwien.ac.at> wrote:

is it possible to restrict the oVirt version when installing or upgrading CentOS hypervisor hosts? let's say: 4.2.3 is already released, but i want to update/install certain hosts only to version 4.2.2 to have the same version in the whole cluster/data center. i know i could to this manually with yum and specifying rpm package versions but is there an "oVirt way"? or is this not necessary at all and newer hosts will always work smoothly with older engine and other hosts? still i think this is a topic that must be of interest to others.

besides that: please excuse my impatience sometimes, my upgrade of our oVirt installation (4.1.9 to 4.2.2) worked perfectly, even with a very customized cinder/ceph setup. thanks a lot for this great software!


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