On May 26, 2017 7:19 PM, "Dan Sullivan" <dan@skaion.com> wrote:

On 05/26/2017 12:06 PM, Yaniv Kaul wrote:
Two VMs (not including engine host)
    HostedEngine (hosted by hosted_engine_1) FQDN=localhost.localdomain.localdomain

That's not an ideal host name. Is that really the name? 

    What is not ideal?  HostedEngine? hosted_engine_1? localhost...?


    vm_one (hosted by hosted_engine_1)
(hosted by hosted_engine_1)

I first try and list the domains

ovirt-iso-uploader list
Please provide the REST API username for oVirt Engine (CTRL+D to abort): admin@internal-authz
Please provide the REST API password for the admin@internal-authz oVirt Engine user (CTRL+D to abort):
ERROR: Problem connecting to the REST API at https://localhost:443/api
[ERROR]::oVirt API connection failure, (7, 'Failed connect to localhost:443; Connection refused')

How do you connect to the UI for example?
    I point firefox to guest147.<mumble>.<mumble>.com

Can you try and edit the conf file to point to it as well? 

The tool fails to even connect to the engine. Aa I assume it is up and running, I reckon it's some wrong name resolution. 
    HostedEngine is up as are both vm_one and vm_two.
