
this was fixed by the this PR[1], but it didn't get to 2.3.
So if it's OK to you you can download the ovirt_nics module
from the devel branch and add it to your library path.

[1] https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/22684

On Mon, May 22, 2017 at 11:34 AM, Nathanaël Blanchet <blanchet@abes.fr> wrote:

I'm used to easily add multiple network to vm with the following ovirt-shell command:

add nic --parent-vm-name acier --network-name brv106 --name admin

I try to do the same with ovirt_nics module (with ansible-console or with regular yml file)

ovirt_nics vm=acier name=admin network=brv106 profile=brv106 state=present

interface is successfully created but network is empty, as if network field were skipped.

Thanks for your help

Nathanaël Blanchet

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