On Thu, May 25, 2017 at 3:13 PM, NUNIN Roberto <Roberto.Nunin@comifar.it> wrote:

I’m trying to install latest oVirt release on a cluster lab.


I have 6 servers and I need to use gluster from hyperconverged hosted engine lab, all of them have volumes for gluster storage, apart OS disks.


Servers are installed with ovirt-node-ng-installer-ovirt-4.1-pre-2017051210 iso image.

After installation, full update.


I’m try to follow the guide in : http://www.ovirt.org/blog/2017/04/up-and-running-with-ovirt-4-1-and-gluster-storage/

In this guide, I can seen in the host selection, the possibility to add more than three hosts to the cluster.

In current cockpit version, I can’t see this.

Yes, we changed it to a 3 host setup only and removed the possibility to add more hosts in the initial setup.


These are cockpit components, installed in all six servers:










Two questions:


Must I proceed with only three servers and only after add the remainder three to the cluster, to have distributed&replicated gluster solution or I must change something in the first installation phase, to add all six servers from the beginning ?

Please proceed with 3 servers, and then add the remaining 3 to the cluster from the oVirt UI.

You can add additional gluster volumes from the 3 new servers and create new storage domain.

If you want to expand the gluster volume that was created in the initial setup (i.e add new bricks to it) - it's advised to add bricks while there are no VMs running (this is if you're on a gluster version =3.8, as there's a bug with rebalance with ongoing I/O)


In the second cockpit screen there aren’t default repo/packages, must I leave it blank ? (servers are already updated).

Yes, leave this blank


Thanks in advance for any hints.




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