I'm trying to set up an HA / Hyperconverged failover cluster using a couple 4.3.10 nodes and a TrueNAS/iSCSI (modeling on VMs on a server 2019 Hyper-V system to work out the process before building it all out on bare metal).

Are there any good articles on how to get that set up?  I seem to have added the storage in a "DATA" storage domain but can't figure out how to add the "ISO" domain.  It creates a ton of folders too (like IDS, inbox, leases, master, etc)  under:


I can only imagine VMs would then be created in this "images" folder..??

I have set up a complete setup running local storage (complete with Data, ISO, and Export storage domains), but now I want to figure out the hyperconverged failover cluster model.

Thanks in advance,

Tim Walsh 

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