oVirt Engine Version:

When cloning or creating a new vm, the network interfaces in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules is getting changed - rendering the new new VM un-networkable.

The original file looks like this:

Inline image 1

However, once the VM is either cloned or a new VM created from a template of this source VM, the file looks like this:

Inline image 2

The 'correct' interfaces are still there, but out of sequence and there are two additional interfaces that do not belong there.

Ovirt admin console is showing the correct number of interfaces as seen in this image:

Inline image 3

Any idea what is causing this?

Thank you for your assistance.

Mark Steele
CIO / VP Technical Operations | TelVue Corporation
TelVue - We Share Your Vision
800.885.8886 x128 | msteele@telvue.com | http://www.telvue.com