On Tue, May 18, 2021 at 4:50 PM Glenn Farmer <glenn.farmer@netfortris.com> wrote:
The current thread is about 4.4.6 - nice that you can login to your 4.4.5.

The subject of the thread says it all... ;-)
My point was to ask if you see differences in /etc/pam.d/cockpit in your 4.4.6, in respect with the version I pasted for my 4.4.5 or if they are the same.
I cannot compare as I have not yet 4.4.6 installed

I changed the admin password on the engine - still cannot access the Cockpit GUI on any of my hosts.

The cockpit gui for the host is accessed through users defined on the hosts, not on engine side. It is not related to the admin engine web admi gui...
I think you can configure a normal user on your hypervisor host and see if you can use it to connect to the cockpit gui or if you receive error.
Do you need any particular functionality to use the root user?
