Ovirt Community,


First off: thank you – these emails have helped me to get Ovirt running. I barely know what I am doing but learning quickly.


I am trying to do a network separation and confusing myself. I have two physical networks (10.10.x.x/16 and 192.168.1.x/24) my ovirt management is bridged on 10.10.x.x. My (currently single) Hosts have at least one physical NIC connecting to each network. I am trying to get to the point there the VMs are on the 192.168.1.x network and the 10.10.x.x network. The goal is to join the VMs to a AD domain on 192.168.1.x but keep access as limited as possible to the 10.10.x.x network.


I’ve been on a googlethon over the past few days and still don’t understand the best practice – or even a working practice – to accomplish this goal.


Peter Harman – Systems and Safety Cordinator  | Homeyer Precision Manufacturing


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16051 State Hwy 47, Marthasville, MO 63357| E pharman@homeyertool.com | P 636.433.2244 | F 636.433.5257