On Tue, Dec 21, 2021 at 5:21 PM richmoch--- via Users <
users@ovirt.org> wrote:
Which engine are you referring to ?
Perhaps search the net for something like 'ovirt architecture' to get an overview.
The engine is up but the VM ( or domain ) is only down.
So for this link :
Under the section Procedure 6.27. Importing a Virtual Machine from KVM, I am able to connect to the KVM and it gives me a list of only the running VMs . The caveat is the VM needs to be down to import ( understandably ), so if I go and shutdown the VM on the remote KVM host, it no longer appears in the list .
So how does one go about selecting the VM ( which is down ) from the list when it is not seen ?
I am not sure exactly what you are trying to do, nor whether the above document is relevant to this. Please clarify exactly what you want to do, or what your question/issue is.
If you are experienced with libvirt/virsh and expected the oVirt is just a (shallow) wrapper around that, and that you can continue using libvirt/virsh as you are/were used to, well, it's not like that. Indeed in certain cases your knowledge will be relevant for debugging/troubleshooting, perhaps supplying custom hooks if needed, but not more than that.
Best regards,