As I was able to understand this error mean that user tried to rewrite the destination host of VM. But the problem is that there is no setting like this in the user interface. User can't change the destination 100%. It is not hardcoded in the template settings because he was trying to run Base template (which is not attached to any host).On Mon, Nov 23, 2015 at 8:36 AM, Maksim Naumov <> wrote:HelloI faced with the problem. The user can;t create a VM. The user has PowerUserRole on Cluster. He tried to create a VM with a base template and had no success.Here some lines from log. Have no idea why it wants for EDIT_ADMIN_VM_PROPERTIES permission for user?2015-11-20 16:42:10,888 DEBUG [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.AddVmCommand] (default task-160) [2f0eb905] Checking whether user 'acc9ced5-a764-4d60-84d7-db4b4a498a18' or one of the groups he is member of, have the following permissions: ID: a303bbca-af20-4de5-9eff-01c52d3bf615 Type: VdsGroupsAction group CREATE_VM with role type USER, ID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Type: VmTemplateAction group CREATE_VM with role type USER, ID: a303bbca-af20-4de5-9eff-01c52d3bf615 Type: VdsGroupsAction group EDIT_ADMIN_VM_PROPERTIES with role type ADMIN2015-11-20 16:42:10,890 DEBUG [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.AddVmCommand] (default task-160) [2f0eb905] Found permission '129c57bb-df56-4529-93d9-52db0265263f' for user when running 'AddVm', on 'Cluster' with id 'a303bbca-af20-4de5-9eff-01c52d3bf615'2015-11-20 16:42:10,893 DEBUG [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.AddVmCommand] (default task-160) [2f0eb905] Found permission '00000004-0004-0004-0004-000000000355' for user when running 'AddVm', on 'Template' with id '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'2015-11-20 16:42:10,894 DEBUG [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.AddVmCommand] (default task-160) [2f0eb905] No permission found for user when running action 'AddVm', on object 'Cluster' for action group 'EDIT_ADMIN_VM_PROPERTIES' with id 'a303bbca-af20-4de5-9eff-01c52d3bf615'.2015-11-20 16:42:10,894 WARN [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.AddVmCommand] (default task-160) [2f0eb905] CanDoAction of action 'AddVm' failed for user Reasons: VAR__ACTION__ADD,VAR__TYPE__VM,USER_NOT_AUTHORIZED_TO_PERFORM_ACTION--Maksim NaumovHitmeister GmbHSoftwareentwicklerHabsburgerring 250674 KölnHRB 59046, Amtsgericht KölnGeschäftsführer: Dr. Gerald Schönbucher--Maksim NaumovHitmeister GmbHSoftwareentwicklerHabsburgerring 250674 KölnHRB 59046, Amtsgericht KölnGeschäftsführer: Dr. Gerald Schönbucher