
You cannot put a storage domain to maintenance if you have running VMs using disks located in this domain.
Putting a storage domain to maintenance will disconnect all hosts from the storage backend (NFS :unmount, ISCSI: iscsiadm -m session -r <sessionId>)-u)



On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 1:12 PM, Troels Arvin <troels@arvin.dk> wrote:

I would like to make use of the new ovirt feature where a LUN may be
removed from a storage domain, provided there's enough free space on the
remaining LUNs in the domain.

It seems the storage domain needs to be put in maintenance mode before
this may be accomplished. But what's the consequence of putting a storage
domain in maintenance mode? Can guests using the domain keep running
while the storage domain is in maintenance mode? Does something stop
working while a storage domain is in maintenance mode?

Troels Arvin

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