I followed the instructions on http://www.ovirt.org/Quick_Start_Guide#Install_oVirt_Engine_.28Fedora_.2F_Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux_.2F_CentOS.29 for installing ovirt on a Fedora 20 instance.  I expanded jboss-as-web-7.0.2.Final into /opt/jboss-as-web-7.0.2.Final and ran "engine-setup --jboss-home=/opt/jboss-as-web-7.0.2.Final".  

Everything appeared fine however the web interface will not start, the following appear in the console.log file:

Could not load Logmanager "org.jboss.logmanager"

I looked for that error in reference to ovirt but did not find anything relevant,  hoping someone on this list can point me in the right direction.

Sorry if this was double posted, it was not in my sent item and it was late yesterday when I thought I sent it.

Jamie Bohr