On Fri, Sep 26, 2014 at 10:56 AM, Martin Sivak <msivak@redhat.com> wrote:

I think the default was changed to INTERLEAVE, because that is the value I see everywhere as preselected in the current 3.5 code.

This is the logic that governs if the select boxes are enabled:

if (getModel().getMigrationMode().getSelectedItem() != MigrationSupport.PINNED_TO_HOST ||
        getModel().getIsAutoAssign().getEntity() ||
        getModel().getDefaultHost().getSelectedItem() == null ||
        !getModel().getDefaultHost().getSelectedItem().isNumaSupport()) {
            enabled = false;

So it seems that the following conditions have to be satisfied for the select boxes to be enabled:

The VM has to be pinned to a NUMA host (check that please, it might allow you to update the values using UI).
Have the default host set (probably satisfied by the previous condition)
The host has to support NUMA

I am adding Gilad to CC as he knows the code. Unfortunately he will be available some time next week as they have a holiday season in Israel atm.

The point here is:
If I am on oVirt 3.4.x environment, is this numa_tune_mode parameter present in the VM definition?
I have not at hand now a 3.4 system so I cannot check.
If not present at all in pre-3.5 VMs and I upgrade my environment, what would be done for my pre-existing VMs?
Because I verified (not from 3.5rc3 scratch installation but upgrading from 3.5rc2) that for new VMs indeed the parameter is set with "interleave" as default.
I don't know if inside the sql upgrade scripts there is something like

if current < 3.5 then add parameter and set to interleave

So in this case it would make the correct thing for 3.4 environments, but as a corner effect it would do nothing for my 3.5.rc2 environment, that still didn't have the parameter, causing the problem I'm experiencing....
