I have created an oVIRT 4.0.6 Cluster, it has 2 Compute nodes, and 3 Dedicated Gluster nodes. The Gluster nodes are configured correctly and they have the replica set to 3. I'm trying to figure out when I go to attach the Data (Master) domain to the oVIRT manager what is the best method to do so in the configuration?  I initially set the mount point to be like: gluster01-int:/data, then set in the mount options "backup-volfile-servers=gluster02-int:/data,gluster03-int:/data", so I understand that will choose another host if the 1st one is down but if i was to reboot the 1st Gluster node would that provide HA for my Data domain? 

I also configured ctdb with a floating-ip address that floats between all 3 Gluster nodes, and I am wondering if I should be pointing the mount to that VIP? What is the best solution with dealing with Gluster and keeping your mount HA?


Devin Acosta
Red Hat Certified Architect, LinuxStack 
602-354-1220 || devin@linuxguru.co