Hello there,
I need to remove the specific Users Permission a user have in a DataCenter.
I manage to do it in this way:
username = "..."
dc = "..."
system_service = connection.system_service()
users_service = system_service.users_service()
data_centers_service = system_service.data_centers_service()
# Getting the User object
for user in users_service.list():
if username in user.user_name:
# Getting the DataCenter object
for data_center in data_centers_service.list():
if dc in
# Getting DataCenter service and its Permission Service
data_center_service = data_centers_service.data_center_service(id=
data_center_permissions_service = data_center_service.permissions_service()
# Getting the Permission for the User in the DataCenter
for data_center_permission in data_center_permissions_service.list():
data_center_permission_user = data_center_permission.user
if data_center_permission_user:
data_center_permission_user.id ==
As you can see I can do it, but, I am using the permissions of the DataCenter and this list could be very long.
In the old ovirtsdk (version 3) this was done by the following:
u = kvm.users.get(id=userid)
for perm in u.permissions.list():
udc = perm.get_data_center()
if udc:
globaldc = kvm.datacenters.get(id=udc.get_id())
if globaldc.get_name() == dc:
that last piece of code iterate by the user permission list and delete the specific Data Center permission. I have been trying this doing the following:
user_service = users_service.user_service(id=
user_permissions_service = user_service.permissions_service()
list = user_permissions_service.list()
Is that last variable, list: the permissions list for the specified user, I ask that because if I print the size of the list for an specific user, the number I get is not correct...
Thanks for all in advance to all