I have already opened a bug for that.

If you are not in a hurry - postpone the migration.

Best Regards,
Strahil Nikolov

On May 8, 2019 00:49, Dmitry Filonov <filonov@hkl.hms.harvard.edu> wrote:
Hi - 
 We want to migrate our aging oVirt cluster to a new one and decided to go for the hyperconverged setup with Gluster and hosted engine. Got 3 new machines, set everything up, did a test VM migration and were almost ready to do final migration of our VMs when I notice one really weird thing. 
When migrating VMs from NFS storage onto Gluster they stay thin provisioned. But if I try creating new disk image from the oVirt GUI - I get  preallocated volume. No matter if I select "thin provision" or "Preallocated" I always get preallocated volume created. 

The engine.log says - 
2019-05-07 17:14:20,562-04 INFO  [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.irsbroker.CreateImageVDSCommand] (default task-20) [bbd94792-2f86-44eb-9334-807dd44d0742] START, CreateImageVDSCommand( CreateImageVDSCommandParameters:{storagePoolId='43550c2c-7100-11e9-9b45-00163e4babb7', ignoreFailoverLimit='false', storageDomainId='1de2f7ac-ee52-43fb-89ac-f86b62f73b9a', imageGroupId='86c5c5e9-6533-4caf-a5a5-401556a5059a', imageSizeInBytes='21474836480', volumeFormat='RAW', newImageId='470b8035-9380-408d-a644-96e8d74c4e8e', imageType='Preallocated', newImageDescription='{"DiskAlias":"test","DiskDescription":""}', imageInitialSizeInBytes='0'}), log id: 228ddfd5

Is there any tweak I didn't notice to make things actually what it suppose to be doing?

glusterfs 5.5-1.el7
CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810

Thank you!

Dmitry Filonov
Linux Administrator
SBGrid Core | Harvard Medical School
250 Longwood Ave, SGM-114
Boston, MA 02115