if I create a VM and select Q35 machine type, still the General --> create image option in edit phase doesn't show sata as an option.
Even if I create the VM without disks and then go to edit General --> create, I only see IDE, VirtIO-SCSI and VirtIO.
Instead if I click VM name, DIsks --> New, I can select VirtIO-SCSI, VirtIO and SATA
After the first disk (SATA in my case) has been created, now if I go and edit VM --> General --> Instance Images + --> Create, I see consistent options.

I think GUI experience could be improved.
Also because I can reproduce this workflow converging to an error (even if IDE disks are not so common nowadays...):
New VM
InĀ  general I create an IDE disk
In System I select in Advanced parameters, Custom Chipset/Firmware Type Q35 (EFI or BIOS based)
go ahead

At the final OK I get the error:

Cannot add Virtual Disk: The disk interface is not supported by the VM OS: Other OS.

The result is VM created but without the IDE disk as not supported in Q35 type.

Tested in 4.4.4