Hi Arman, the future of the oVirt project is in the hands of the community to be shaped.
As Red Hat started the offboarding from the oVirt project about a year ago everyone saw the number of contributions lowering over the time.
A good report about it is available here: https://cauldron.io/project/7653?from_date=2022-07-12&to_date=2023-07-12&tab=overview

I tried to contact known downstreams and about 20 universities and research labs known to be using oVirt to some extent over the past 10 years asking if they were interested in getting engaged with the project and offering help with the onboarding process but nobody stepped in over the past 2 years.

I also tried engaging with the Virtualization SIGs of the distributions compatible with oVirt but nothing happened so far in that direction as well.

We had several people, groups and companies announcing their intention to contribute to the project at conferences and on mailing lists but no real commitment so far.

So, the current status is: when someone in the community has a problem and the capacity to prepare a fix, they submit it (we had very good examples from https://github.com/dupondje ) and whenever someone find the time to review and merge the patches they get into oVirt master snapshot builds.

So the general suggestion is to switch to oVirt master snapshot in order to get the system working on the latest el8 / el9 as the last stable release is already known to have troubles.

The project is not dead but it's for sure in a very low maintenance mode until someone will invest in its development.

Il giorno mer 12 lug 2023 alle ore 13:24 Arman Khalatyan <arm2arm@gmail.com> ha scritto:
Hello everybody,
What is the status of the ovirt project, would be continued it  in  the Rocky Linunx9? 
the last message is so sad: https://lists.ovirt.org/archives/list/users@ovirt.org/thread/HEKKBM6MZEKBEAXTJT45N5BZT72VI67T/

Any good news/progress there?
As a happy ovirt user  since 2016 should we move to an another system?

Thank you beforehand, 
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Sandro Bonazzola

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