On Wed, Sep 4, 2019 at 9:27 PM <thomas@hoberg.net> wrote:
I am seeing more success than failures at creating single and triple node hyperconverged setups after some weeks of experimentation so I am branching out to additional features: In this case the ability to use SSDs as cache media for hard disks.

I tried first with a single node that combined caching and compression and that fails during the creation of LVMs.

I tried again without the VDO compression, but actually the results where identical whilst VDO compression but without the LV cache worked ok.

I tried various combinations, using less space etc., but the results are always the same and unfortunately rather cryptic (substituted the physical disk label with {disklabel}):

TASK [gluster.infra/roles/backend_setup : Extend volume group] *****************
failed: [{hostname}] (item={u'vgname': u'gluster_vg_{disklabel}p1', u'cachethinpoolname': u'gluster_thinpool_gluster_vg_{disklabel}p1', u'cachelvname': u'cachelv_gluster_thinpool_gluster_vg_{disklabel}p1', u'cachedisk': u'/dev/sda4', u'cachemetalvname': u'cache_gluster_thinpool_gluster_vg_{disklabel}p1', u'cachemode': u'writeback', u'cachemetalvsize': u'70G', u'cachelvsize': u'630G'}) => {"ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "err": "  Physical volume \"/dev/mapper/vdo_{disklabel}p1\" still in use\n", "item": {"cachedisk": "/dev/sda4", "cachelvname": "cachelv_gluster_thinpool_gluster_vg_{disklabel}p1", "cachelvsize": "630G", "cachemetalvname": "cache_gluster_thinpool_gluster_vg_{disklabel}p1", "cachemetalvsize": "70G", "cachemode": "writeback", "cachethinpoolname": "gluster_thinpool_gluster_vg_{disklabel}p1", "vgname": "gluster_vg_{disklabel}p1"}, "msg": "Unable to reduce gluster_vg_{disklabel}p1 by /dev/dm-15.", "rc": 5}

somewhere within that I see something that points to a race condition ("still in use").

Unfortunately I have not been able to pinpoint the raw logs which are used at that stage and I wasn't able to obtain more info.

At this point quite a bit of storage setup is already done, so rolling back for a clean new attempt, can be a bit complicated, with reboots to reconcile the kernel with data on disk.

I don't actually believe it's related to single node and I'd be quite happy to move the creation of the SSD cache to a later stage, but in a VDO setup, this looks slightly complex to someone without intimate knowledge of LVS-with-cache-and-perhaps-thin/VDO/Gluster all thrown into one.

Needless the feature set (SSD caching & compressed-dedup) sounds terribly attractive but when things don't just work, it's more terrifying.

Hi Thomas,

The way we have to write the variables for 2.8 while setting up cache.
Currently we are writing something like this:
        - vgname: vg_sdb2
          cachedisk: /dev/sdb3
          cachelvname: cachelv_thinpool_vg_sdb2
          cachethinpoolname: thinpool_vg_sdb2
          cachelvsize: '10G'
          cachemetalvsize: '2G'
          cachemetalvname: cache_thinpool_vg_sdb2
          cachemode: writethrough
Not that cachedisk is provided as /dev/sdb3 which would be extended with vg vg_sdb2 ... this works well
The module will take care of extending the vg with /dev/sdb3.

However with Ansible-2.8 we cannot provide like this but have to be more explicit. And have to mention the pv underlying
this volume group vg_sdb2. So, with respect to 2.8 we have to write that variable like:

        - vgname: vg_sdb2
          cachedisk: '/dev/sdb2,/dev/sdb3'
          cachelvname: cachelv_thinpool_vg_sdb2
          cachethinpoolname: thinpool_vg_sdb2
          cachelvsize: '10G'
          cachemetalvsize: '2G'
          cachemetalvname: cache_thinpool_vg_sdb2
          cachemode: writethrough  

Note that I have mentioned both /dev/sdb2 and /dev/sdb3.
This change is backward compatible, that is it works with 2.7 as well. I have raised an issue with Ansible as well.
Which can be found here: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/56501

However, @olafbuitelaar has fixed this in gluster-ansible-infra, and the patch is merged in master.
If you can checkout master branch, you should be fine.